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Upstate Flower Market


Phone (864) 585-9033
Address 800 N Church St.,
Spartanburg, SC 29303 United States


We provide wholesale-priced fresh flowers to those wanting to design their own arrangements for weddings, events, fundraisers etc.
We service anyone wanting to buy quality fresh flowers in larger quantities at great prices.

If you have found this site while searching for a traditional florist, please visit the website of our partner, Coggins Flowers & Gifts.
Our knowledgeable, caring staff is available to assist you throughout the entire ordering process. Their experience spans over 50 years and 2-3 generations. We have designed arrangements for thousands of weddings. We understand the needs of discerning brides and event planners.

The goal of our wholesale division is to offer the same quality flowers we use for our own brides. DIY brides can be confident they will receive the best available flowers for their big day and save money by ordering bulk flowers from Upstate Flower Market.

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